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click the image to the right to visit the world's first and most comprehensive website about the shroud of Turin


Shroud Research Network is and excellent source for up to date research about the Shroud of Turin. Click the logo to find out more. 

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This site features facts and history about the Shroud, but also reveals plans for an exhibit at the Museum of the Bible in Washinton, D.C. 


This is an excellent presentation by Shroud scholar and lecturor  Russ Breault 


The link below takes you to an excellent resource with video, latest news, and research papers about the shroud. if you are in new mexico, be sure to visit the museum.  


although the title of this excellent documentary references the tomb of the holy sepulchre, it focuses mostly on the Shroud of turin. it is available for free on amazon prime but can also be viewed elsewhere on the internet by searching the title.

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Below are five more excellent Christian apologetic websites

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Recommended Shroud fiction
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First Cause eBook .jpg
The Holy Shroud.jpg

Recommended nonfiction reading

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